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Welcome to Seton Village!
We are a community in South Orange, New Jersey and proud to be a part of the Neighborhood Preservation Program. Come visit our central business corridor on Irvington Avenue.
Seton Village is proud to be a designated NPP district.
The Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) began with the passage of the “Maintenance of Viable Neighborhoods Act” in 1975. This legislation established a program of grants to encourage and promote the social and economic strengthening and development of neighborhoods. It was envisioned that this would be achieved through the cooperative, concentrated efforts of residents, local lending institutions, businesses, municipal governments and the State of New Jersey. The Neighborhood Preservation Program takes a comprehensive approach to neighborhood development, which affords municipalities flexible and creative options.
Seton Village together with South Orange Village was awarded a five-year Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) grant to invest in the Seton Village neighborhood and Irvington Avenue business corridor. This grant from the NJ Department of Community Affairs comes with renewable funding of $125,000 per year, for a total investment of $625,000.
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Seton Village map by Ken Krasner
Feel free to contact us with any questions. Email: nppmanager@southorange.org