ArtBender Returns to South Orange!

On Sunday May 19th 2024, Seton Village hosted ArtBender 2024, a celebratory day of self-expression happening on the front lawn at the Community Center located at 133 Fairview Avenue, South Orange. In past years we’ve painted murals, planted gardens and installed public artworks. This year we continue with the multiyear project transforming Carter Park into a creative play space as well as developing a new reading corner at 133 Fairview Ave. At ArtBender, we endeavor to identify overlooked spaces and make use of simple discarded objects. Join us by bringing your creativity and community spirit!

This year, we are recognizing the bicycle, and bikes will play an integral role in the projects that we create. 

If you happen to have old bicycle wheels (the metal rims, not the rubber tires), and any disposable children’s books, magazines or comics, please bring those as well. ArtBender is a project of the South Orange Department of Recreation and the Seton Village Neighborhood Preservation Program. We are also grateful for the contributions of Oh! Canary and CINC, Creative in Common. Also, a shout out to the Maplewood Bike Shed for getting us started with bicycle rims!

“The New Woman Again in Trouble!”

This was a news headline from the late 19th century decrying how cycling posed a threat to women of the era and by extension, the family and the total fabric of society itself. Bicycles were so feared by the patriarchy of the 1890’s that doctors were warning how cycling could lead women to develop depression, tuberculosis, infertility, bicycle foot, bicycle hand and even the dreaded “bicycle face”! 


By the late 1880’s, bicycle design had improved significantly and men were having fun with the latest craze, a new toy to play with and show off. But for women, bicycles were a lifeline. They provided the freedom to travel into town on their own without having to wait for their husbands to drive them in the horse-drawn carriage. And because women were now riding, their outfits became more user-friendly and less cumbersome and ridiculous. Women even started wearing pants! 

Because of bicycles, in every way, women became more visible. 

“Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.” -Susan B. Anthony

Fast forward 150 years and we all know the freedom and importance of cycling. Although we won’t be doing any biking together this year, bicycles are going to play a big role in ArtBender.

Thank you for joining us at ArtBender 2024! 

Pictures from ArtBender 2024

Pictures from previous ArtBender events